Are you looking for topics that are going to trend online?
Well, yes you are curious to know about the upcoming topic trends.
In this post, I will help you with a free online tool that will help you find the topics that are ready to take off or say they are ready to trend in the near future.
Say Hi to Exploding Topics!
What is exploding topics?
Exploding Topics is an online tool to discover the hottest new trends around the globe.

If you are looking for the latest trending topics, market opportunities, new technology, hot startups, or any other information on the trend, you must check out Exploding topics.
SEO legend Brian Dean founds the Exploding Topics website with the technical guy Josh Howarth.
The company is based out of San Francisco, California.
The tool analyzes millions of searches, conversations, and mentions across the internet to help you with the latest trend.
You can view new market opportunities, trending topics, emerging technology, hot startups, and more news worldwide on Exploding Topics.